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student well-being MOOC


do you enjoy learning? are you passionated about your health and would you like to build up your well-being? and would you like to get to know yourself better? i yes, this course is exactly for you! 

dear students,

let me start with thank you. thank you for caring for your well-being and thank you for being you. I am happy to meet with you through these pages and I cannot wait for us to learn about well-being together, talking about what works for us and try many hands-on activities that will help you build your good life. each and every of you is very dear to me. and I would like to provide you with this massive open online course as your personal guide to be-well. I will be happy to meet with you through videos about student well-being here but I would also like to introduce you to my newest book


and here is also my email                                                      and Instagram                                      if you ever feel like getting in touch.

I do care about you. Enjoy your well-being journey and may your life be the way you want it to be.





video n. 1 - your well-being

wellcome in the student well-being course, dear student! in this video, you will learn about positive benefits of your mental and overall health, you will became more self-aware and you will be invited to practice activities that fit you to support so called building blocks of your well-being thus your positive emotions, engagement, your high-quality relationships, meaning, achievement, physical health, your mindset, environment, economic security, and your authenticity.

video n. 2 - your positive emotions

we all enjoy feeling good and seek moments of excitement, joy, and happiness. but did you know that positive emotions serve us by much more than just making us feel good? let’s learn together about the great potential of positive emotions and let’s explore what can you do to generate more joy in your everyday life. this video will provide you with theory behind emotions and the importance of positivity. you will also be invited to reflect on your positive emotions flower, and you will have a chance to try some evidence-based activities to see what might work for you to experience more positive emotions as you go through your days. enjoy! :-)

video n. 3 - your physical health

building our physical health, day by day, is probably one of the best investments we can do for ourselves and for our vitality. there are a few simple guidelines and approaches to follow to maintain our health resources, that can significantly increase the quality of our lives and can leave us feel really good. this chapter focuses on simple yet important general physical health recommendations on (a) adequate body movement, (b) good body posture, (c) optimal nutrition, (d) high quality sleep, (e) regular relaxation, (f) proper breathing, and (g) avoidance of risky behavior. In this video, you will be invited to try on evidence-based activities supporting your physical health in a very complex way, that will make you to enjoy the process of caring for yourself. your body will thank you!

let’s connect!

connect with us:

Instagram: @uniwellsity | @janakociphd

email: |

phone: +420 731 186 560

LinkedIn: Jana Koci Ph.D.

©2025 Uniwellsity – building student well-being since 2022

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