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Ph.Dr. Jana Kočí, PhD, je pedagožkou v oblasti edukace ke zdraví a well-beingu na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze. Je předním výzkumníkem v oblasti budování akademického well-beingu v Čechách a právě jí vychází kniha Well-being and Success for University Students: Applying PERMA+4, která je dostupná studentům po celém světě. Jana učí populární kurz Well-being vysokoskolských studentů pro studenty Univerzity Karlovy napříč všemi 17ti fakultami a kurz také otevírá pro studenty z Evropských univerzit z aliance 4EU+. Na Univerzitě Karlově realizuje Jana výzkum well-beingu studentů a její upřímný zájem o studenty se odráží v jejím výborném studentském hodnocení. Jana promovala s vyznamenáním za vynikající akademické úspěchy a v roce 2015 byla oceněna výborem EFSA Evropským úřadem pro bezpečnost potravin za mimořádný přínos mladého vědce. Jana je také hostující profesorkou na Claremont Graduate University v Kalifornii, kde pracuje na nezávislém výzkumu v pozitivní psychologii a několik semestrů také strávila na University of Nebraska – Lincoln, kde navrhovala program nutričního vzdělávání pro české studenty. Získala titul Ph.D. v oboru Pedagogika se zaměřením na výchovu ke zdraví a svůj výzkum zaměřuje na aplikaci pozitivní psychologie do akademického prostředí prostřednictvím budování pohody vysokoškolských studentů, profesorů a zaměstnanců univerzity. Jana vede kurz pro pedagogy a zaměstnance Univerzity Karlovy na téma jak budovat well-being vysokoškoláků a také aktivně podporuje well-being učitelů, profesorů a zaměstnanců univerzity v kurzu well-being akademiků. Jana je členkou organizace Positive Education Consortium a mimo knih pro vysokoškoláky také ráda píše knihy o well-beingu žáků základních a středních škol. Jana je certifikovanou Co-Active koučkou a zakladatelkou Uniwellsity. Jana miluje vědu o well-beingu, práci se svými studenty a péči o zdraví celé akademické komunity.

science on authenticity says that it is rather about “becoming” ourselves than “being” ourselves. most of our time we operate from our autopilot, the habits we adopted that are deeply rooted in our subconsciousness. and i would like you to know that it is perfectly normal to find yourself acting from habits rather than your conscious choice. “becoming” authentic is an ongoing process of getting to know ourselves repeatedly, accepting who we are at the moment, and sharing our unique self with the world. ​​authenticity has been defined as “the unobstructed operation of one’s true, or core, self” (Kernis & Goldman, 2006: 293), “behavior that is phenomenally experienced as being authored by the self” (Sheldon, Ryan, Rawsthorne, & Ilardi, 1997), alignment of “our internal experiences with our external expressions” (Cable et al., 2013: 6), “act[ing] in accordance with one’s own sense of self, emotions, and values” (Gino, Kouchaki & Galinsky, 2015: 984), and, more simply, “that sense of ‘who we really are’” (Costas & Fleming, 2009: 356).

it is an activity of:

  • expressing one's true self

  • making deliberate choices and

  • taking responsibility for them

authenticity gives us a sense of well-being and engagement in life. authenticity means being true to yourself in your daily life. it's about living in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs, and staying genuine despite outside pressures to fit in. it can also be the idea of being the author of your own life, creating a unique identity while remaining true to yourself regardless of how others see you in social situations.


authenticity is a powerful key to student well-being, offering freedom, resilience, and genuine connections. by embracing who we truly are, dear students, we reduce stress, build meaningful relationships, and boost self-esteem. authentic living allows us to align decisions with our values, conserve energy that can be oftentimes depleted on “acting out as someone we are not,” and focus on what matters the most. it strengthens our resilience in adversity, enhances mental health, and brings a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose.


on which step of the ladder on a scale of 0 – 10 would you say you personally feel you stand at this time in terms of:sonally feel you stand at this time in terms of:

  • knowing and understanding yourself

  • accepting and loving yourself for who you are

  • knowing your values and acting according to them

  • knowing your passions and acting according to them

  • accepting and processing all your emotions

  • saying what you truly think

  • setting boundaries and saying no without guilt

  • being vulnerable

  • taking responsibility for your actions

  • other authenticity strengths


shift your energy from overthinking what to say or do to look great to authentically express what is here and now. as carl gustaf jung said, “the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." take any opportunity to pause before saying or doing something and rather than asking ourselves “what should i say?” or “what should i do?” ask “what do i really want to say?” and “what do i really want to do?”. no matter how it lands, trusting that your authentic expression will connect you to the right people and right opportunities. your daily energy will increase and become available for you to use it for creating the life you want!

your authenticity

by Jana Koci
(from the book Well-being and Success for University Students & the book Building Well-being of University Students)

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LinkedIn: Jana Koci Ph.D.

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