Jana Koci, PhD, es profesora asistente de Educación para la Salud y el Bienestar en la Universidad Carolina de Praga, República Checa. Es una destacada investigadora y educadora sobre la construcción del bienestar académico en su país y escribió un libro Bienestar y éxito para estudiantes universitarios: aplicación de PERMA+4. Imparte una popular clase de bienestar estudiantil para estudiantes de la Universidad Charles y también para estudiantes de universidades europeas de la alianza 4EU+. Organiza una investigación sobre el bienestar de los estudiantes en su universidad y su sincero cuidado por sus estudiantes se refleja en su excelente evaluación estudiantil. Jana se graduó con honores por sus destacados logros académicos y fue honrada por su destacada contribución como joven investigador por el comité de la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria de la EFSA en 2015. Jana es profesora invitada en la Claremont Graduate University en California, donde trabaja en investigaciones independientes en psicología positiva y También pasó varios semestres en la Universidad de Nebraska – Lincoln diseñando un programa de educación nutricional para estudiantes checos. Obtuvo su doctorado. en Pedagogía con concentración en Educación para la Salud y centra su investigación en la aplicación de la psicología positiva al entorno académico a través de la construcción del bienestar de estudiantes, profesores y empleados universitarios. Jana dirige un curso sobre Cómo generar el bienestar de los estudiantes universitarios y también se esfuerza por apoyar el bienestar de los docentes, catedráticos y todo el personal académico en su curso Bienestar para los académicos. Es miembro del Consorcio de Educación Positiva y también le gusta escribir libros sobre atención del bienestar para escuelas intermedias y secundarias. Es coach de bienestar Co-Active y fundadora de Uniwellsity. Respeta y aprecia profundamente la ciencia del bienestar, disfruta trabajar con sus estudiantes y se preocupa por el bienestar de toda la comunidad académica.
Puede comunicarse con Jana enjana@uniwellsity.com.
science on authenticity says that it is rather about “becoming” ourselves than “being” ourselves. most of our time we operate from our autopilot, the habits we adopted that are deeply rooted in our subconsciousness. and i would like you to know that it is perfectly normal to find yourself acting from habits rather than your conscious choice. “becoming” authentic is an ongoing process of getting to know ourselves repeatedly, accepting who we are at the moment, and sharing our unique self with the world. authenticity has been defined as “the unobstructed operation of one’s true, or core, self” (Kernis & Goldman, 2006: 293), “behavior that is phenomenally experienced as being authored by the self” (Sheldon, Ryan, Rawsthorne, & Ilardi, 1997), alignment of “our internal experiences with our external expressions” (Cable et al., 2013: 6), “act[ing] in accordance with one’s own sense of self, emotions, and values” (Gino, Kouchaki & Galinsky, 2015: 984), and, more simply, “that sense of ‘who we really are’” (Costas & Fleming, 2009: 356).
it is an activity of:
expressing one's true self
making deliberate choices and
taking responsibility for them
authenticity gives us a sense of well-being and engagement in life. authenticity means being true to yourself in your daily life. it's about living in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs, and staying genuine despite outside pressures to fit in. it can also be the idea of being the author of your own life, creating a unique identity while remaining true to yourself regardless of how others see you in social situations.
authenticity is a powerful key to student well-being, offering freedom, resilience, and genuine connections. by embracing who we truly are, dear students, we reduce stress, build meaningful relationships, and boost self-esteem. authentic living allows us to align decisions with our values, conserve energy that can be oftentimes depleted on “acting out as someone we are not,” and focus on what matters the most. it strengthens our resilience in adversity, enhances mental health, and brings a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose.
on which step of the ladder on a scale of 0 – 10 would you say you personally feel you stand at this time in terms of:sonally feel you stand at this time in terms of:
knowing and understanding yourself
accepting and loving yourself for who you are
knowing your values and acting according to them
knowing your passions and acting according to them
accepting and processing all your emotions
saying what you truly think
setting boundaries and saying no without guilt
being vulnerable
taking responsibility for your actions
other authenticity strengths
shift your energy from overthinking what to say or do to look great to authentically express what is here and now. as carl gustaf jung said, “the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." take any opportunity to pause before saying or doing something and rather than asking ourselves “what should i say?” or “what should i do?” ask “what do i really want to say?” and “what do i really want to do?”. no matter how it lands, trusting that your authentic expression will connect you to the right people and right opportunities. your daily energy will increase and become available for you to use it for creating the life you want!
by Jana Koci
(from the book Well-being and Success for University Students & the book Building Well-being of University Students)
Jana Koci, Ph.D.
Universidad Carolina de Praga
Facultad de Educación y Rectorado de la Universidad Carolina
Praga, República Checa